Hi! I’m so happy you stopped by!
My name is Michele and I’m the creator of Paleo Running Momma – a website dedicated to bringing you the most delicious paleo friendly meals and desserts.
When I changed my diet in 2013, I started searching the internet for tips, recipes, and other people’s stories that resonated with my own. The amount of resources and incredible people I found inspired me to create this blog. It was time for me to give back and share experiences, mistakes, successes and failures as I learned to cook and eat real, whole, delicious food and make it work for me as a runner, too.
I started eating paleo for some really unoriginal reasons – to address longstanding digestive problems (IBS), help myself heal from a painful running injury, and finally drop my diet coke and cereal habits (trust me – it was time!)
When I started getting serious about healing my body, I began by going “gluten free”, but quickly realized there was more than just gluten that could be in my way. I learned that by eliminating processed foods, grains and refined sugar from my diet, I could potentially improve not only my IBS and tendinitis, but my overall health – physical and mental – as well as become a stronger athlete.
After I completed my first Whole30, I was hooked!
I was able to figure out what foods I tolerated best and which ones I struggled with.
While I don’t eat 100% paleo (I get asked this a lot!) it’s more of a guideline for how I cook and eat generally.
Now, I’m here to share what I’ve learned about food, specifically, how to create truly delicious paleo and Whole30 meals, grain free baked goods and real-food desserts that you and your families will legitimately crave and want to eat on the regular! You’ll find loads of real-life recipes for all occasions that your brain will love as much as your body does!
Fun Facts About Me
1.) When I started this blog I was obsessed with long distance running (to put it mildly!) and (secretly) wanted paleo to turn me into a superwoman-style runner.
While I DID qualify for and run the Boston Marathon twice (2014 and 2016) it wasn’t thanks to a paleo diet – in fact, I qualified for Boston the first time while eating a SAD diet and the second time on Paleo.
That said, I believe you can absolutely run well (and long distances) while eating a paleo diet! I did this for about 2 years before scaling back on my training and getting into yoga, which is what I do the most now!
2.) I have 3 kids – Diana, Emily, and Drew. I’ve always gotten lots of questions about whether or not the kids eat paleo – the answer is yes and no! They eat the dinners I cook for them, but, aside from that I don’t put restrictions on them since I found it wasn’t mentally healthy for any of us! Truthfully, my kids do not have medical conditions that require them to eat strictly paleo, so, I take a moderate approach to what they eat and we’re all pretty happy this way.
3.) The first thing I ever tried to “cook” by myself was peanut butter at the age of 4. My “recipe” involved peanuts, some aluminum foil and a hammer. Needless to say, it didn’t work, but little did I know I was actually on the right track! If only I’d had a food processor – my nut butter dreams could’ve come true!
4.) The first thing I ever cooked on the stovetop was bacon. I almost get emotional when I think about it 😉 Oh if only I’d known how that moment would shape my future! Now, I’m about my bacon and basically only eat the sugar-free Whole30 friendly variety from U.S. Wellness Meats. This stuff is AMAZING! My family goes wild over it.
5.) Comfort food is my jam. Seriously, I don’t really think “emotional eating” is such a bad thing, especially if you’re eating delicious REAL food that makes your body, mind and soul happy!
All the recipes I post are ones that I’m EXCITED to eat and genuinely make me happy. I cover everything from breakfast to dessert (in fact, those two are my favorites!) including lots of Whole30 friendly family favorites. My goal for this website is to introduce you all to new favorites that truly make you happy to eat Paleo style! Paleo comfort food for life!
6.) I have a Masters in Social Work from Columbia University and worked as a social worker for 3 years before deciding to stay home full time to raise my kids. I had NO idea what a blog was at that time, and always planned to head back to work when my youngest started kindergarten.
I started this site 100% as an outlet, not with a business in mind, but when the time rolled around, I realized I felt so much more passion for creating recipes for Paleo Running Momma than for returning to my old career. I gave it a shot and put all my efforts into growing this blog, which meant learning a lot from scratch. The decision did not come easy, but I couldn’t be happier with where I am now!
If you have a question or would like to personally contact me, you can email me at the following address:
paleorunningmomma @ gmail . com
Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! Nice to meet you and I look forward to reading!
Nice to meet you as well! Glad you found me!
Glad I found you as well, time to get serious about the paleo lifestyle change & learn more about paleo recipes! Thanks
She is doing a great job. I have found her luckily. keep up the good work and best wishes from me.
Great to hear that you’ve come across my blog! The pleasure is all mine, and I’m excited to have you as a reader. If you have any questions or need further information on any of the topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Enjoy the reading, and I hope you find the content valuable and engaging. Should you be interested in maximizing your online presence, consider consulting a professional digital marketing company for effective strategies tailored to your specific needs.
I just found your blog…and I’m really looking forward to reading 🙂 I’ve thought about going Paleo for awhile…but I’m kind of a peanut butter junkie so I don’t know if I could do it…but your recipes look awesome!
Welcome! Nice to meet you and thanks for reading 🙂 Hope you try some recipes! I used to eat lots of pb too…now it’s almond or sunbutter. One of the best things about eating paleo is how many new and awesome foods, food combos and recipes I’ve discovered that I never would have before!
Hi there! I’m super happy to have come across your blog. I guess, it’s good to click on random comments from the blogs I follow too 🙂 Haha!
I am looking to learning more about the paleo way of living from you. I am not sure, however, that I can give up diary though. But, hey! I can incorporate it anyway. PLus, from what I see it looks like you’ve got plenty of cooking happening here 😀
Nice to ‘meet’ you! 😀
Just realized I responded to both your comments in the other one, so hi again and nice to meet you! Definitely check my blog regularly for meal ideas, recipes and lots of thoughts and experiences on paleo. See you around!
I’m so glad I found you from the GMA segment! And my story is as original as yours 🙂
I know, I feel like a lot of people have really similar stories, but, we have them for a reason! Glad you found me and great to meet you!
Hi Michele!
My ears always perk up when I hear anything about the Paleo diet on TV. I caught your segment this morning and I started looking into Paleo because of a history of diabetes, obesity and my own struggle with weight.
Years ago I started running to help with losing weight but as I’ve gotten older I have discovered issues with my digestion and inflammation of my joints.
I feel SO much better since I’ve incorporated Paleo principles in my lifestyle.
Thank you for sharing your story and your knowledge!
I look forward to learning more from you 🙂
Blessings & health,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! It really is amazing how many seemingly chronic health issues can improve when we start eating whole, unprocessed foods and checking in with how our bodies respond. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling well! Hope you enjoy reading, and feel free to ask about anything specific you want to hear about 🙂
Hi! I really like your blog and I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Please view the award, rules and other info at my blog: http://whitneykristine.wordpress.com/2014/07/16/thanks-for-the-liebster-award/
Thanks I will check it out 🙂
I am doing a little searching and reading about paleo….I have never been a huge follow a certain diet person….I eat fairly healthy but I will admit to a love for cereal and diet coke too :). I love to snack on cereals and am seeing that although it is not really unhealthy it may not be the best either. I am curious as to what you suggest as a good breakfast for someone who doesn’t care for eggs?
I really like eggs but eating breakfast paleo can really be anything, even foods that are not normally breakfast foods. It just about eating lots of meat veggies and fruit along with some nuts seeds and fats. It’s definitely a lot of experimenting to see what foods you like and what makes you feel best. There’s a lot of new foods I eat now that I never would’ve thought of before, especially not in the morning! I have a few recipes for sweet potato and butternut squash hashes that you can eat with or without eggs on top, but you could really eat anything in the morning that you’d eat for other meals.
hi. I had been eating some paleo until may when i became 100 percent. For breakfast I found a paleo protein bar. I put it in a loaf pan and cut a slice for breakfast with fruit.no baking required. my cholesterol came down 20 points overall and the bad 9 points in 3 months without meds, I still have a ways to go but I will get there. I am sold on paleo, let me know if you want the recipe. Good luck
Congrats on the coaching gig! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
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Hi, Michele! Wow, I’m so glad to have found your blog (via HRG). You mention that you want to give back by sharing the awesome things you’ve learned/found from blogs and research and I think that is so cool! It is similar to how I feel about all things motherhood/baby. I research and read the heck out of each topic that is the slightest bit of interest to me and I feel like all that good stuff needs to be put in the spotlight for others. Looking forward to reading more (esp learning about Paleo b/c I’ve heard so much about it, but still haven’t had enough motivation to push myself in that direction)! 🙂
Hi and glad you found me! I write a little about everything going on in my life and on my mind, but definitely a lot of paleo and running stuff! Paleo is a great way to address lots of health issues from a nutritional standpoint but not for everyone and doesn’t need to be. That being said it can’t hurt to shift focus to more “real food” than packaged stuff. Hope you enjoy the blog, and glad to meet you!
I totally agree that most runners find paleo too weird and/or won’t work for them. A well-formulate paleo diet works for anyone! And to create a well-formulated diet, as in way of eating, you need to be well-informed, and this is where most people fall down. I’m primal, or lacopaleo (paleo + a bit of dairy, and peanut butter), and I went primal for weight loss reasons. I didn’t realise it would change my overall wellbeing! And, my entire body composition and running ability – I annihilated my 10km PB last month by almost 4 minutes, after previously chasing a fast 10km time for two years. Us paleo-primal runners need to keep putting the word out!
That’s awesome! I think over time people will start to see real food really can be for anyone, athletes included!
Hi found your blog thru another blog that I was reading but glad I found you! I am a slightly obsessed runner (ok, if you ask my husband, more than slightly 🙂 ) I am just now jumping into the paleo way of eating. Great stuff going on here, can’t wait to read more! 🙂
Glad you found me, and that’s awesome! Nothing wrong with being (just a little) obsessed 🙂
So glad to have stumbled upon your blog! I did a whole30 too and absolutely loved it!
Awesome! Yes, it’s so helpful in order to really understand how foods affect you. I really value the information and will probably do another at some point to reassess what works 🙂
Hi Michele,
I came across your blog as I have changed my eating habits as of
Jan. 2016( Whole 30/ Paleo/ low carb) and quit drinking Diet Coke. ( which I still miss but know it is not good for me!) I am also a runner and trying to find ways to eat better and sustain energy for my runs. I have had good days and bad with energy. I am also doing 21 day fix to help with toning and cross training.
I am currently not training for any future races but I am always thinking about it. Since, I have changed my diet running long distances are not working for me.
It could be in my head but I have to stop and take walking breaks. It may be the combination of diet change and 21 day fix that is taking a toll. I am trying lose about 10 pounds. I am 5’2 and 135 and I just want to feel lighter.
When reading your blog I thought to myself, how I have tried for years to find friends that share my passions. ( no success they think I am crazy! I run all seasons outside rain,snow, hot cold,)
I loved and totally get the headlamp at 5 am runs. It would be so fun to have a running partner that gets it.
Thanks for inspiring me! And making me feel like I can do this and I am not alone.
Living in northern Utah
( mother of 5 girls 1 boy)
I am glad to discover your blog! I am a runner (going to run a half marathon this weekend and my first full in May) struggling with IBS, skin issues, and about 15-20 extra pounds. I’ve been considering giving the paleo diet a go but have been concerned how it will affect my running. I am inspired to try it now!
My husband and I used to eat paleo, and all of a sudden so many symptoms that no doctor had ever been able to explain just started to fall away. I felt wonderful, and was honestly surprised at how good being healthy could feel! A prolonged era of unemployment killed our paleo lifestyle, and I am ready to begin again. But family dynamic and my role as family dynamic has changed so much since then. I am looking forward to reading about how you juggle being mom and an athlete and fueling/healing your body while feeding your picky little ones.
Wow, that’s amazing! So glad you’re ready to start again, it can be challenging and it’s definitely a lot of cooking, but doable with the right prep. Also, trial and error. Once you figure out what works just keep repeating that!
Hi My friend encouraged me to visit your page. I have been struggling with IBS and other gastro issues for 2 and a half years now, living uncomfortably and dodging specific foods like dairy and tried my best to lower gluten intake hopeful that that would help. It did for a little but then I later decided to try Whole 30 (didn’t last the full 30) and then later ate Paleo for over a month. I still had gastro issues while on Paleo and at that point went to go see a GI doctor. They encouraged me to try out the Low FODMAP diet and I am just so intrigued and encouraged to see that you do both and run! I love to run as well. Glad I was referred to your page and your story! I am just now starting to incorporate Low FODMAP in hopes that my body will respond happily and I can eat, run, and live my life free of severe gastro pain.
Low FODMAP was the key for me especially while training for a race and running more miles. You’ll probably want to try it pretty strictly for several weeks until you feel better, and then experiment with different foods/amounts since it seems we all tolerate things a bit differently. At this point, I’m not training hard and have been able to loosen up my diet a bit, however still won’t touch raw onions, apples, pears, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, or cauli, yet many of these foods are okay in small amounts, cooked well. It’s complex! All of my recipes are paleo however probably only half are low FODMAP, although many that aren’t low FODMAP can be easily adapted! Definitely contact me with any questions you have as you go along, I also do paleo lifestyle coaching if that might be something helpful. Glad you found me!
Hi Michelle
I recently stumbled upon you from Pintrest and am very glad I did. I am 2 months into Paleo and you have made it so much better with your great recipes. Thank you very much.
Thanks for letting me know – hearing things like that makes me happy and of course I’m thrilled to help! Are there certain types of recipes you’d like to see more of?
I’m so glad I found your blog! Just read your IBS part 2 and I am ready for change….I know from experience that paleo/GF reduces my symptoms, but I fell back into the SAD diet and not only greatly increased my symptoms but gained 30 lbs in the past year 🙁
I also love to run! Im ready to get back on track!!
Glad you found me! I eat almost totally paleo (dairy occasionally) and try to stick to low FODMAP as well which really helps my symptoms. I have a few posts about low FODMAP to check out too – I go back and forth but definitely feel better eating that way!
I am so glad I came across your website. I followed a link from Prevention to a really delicious looking dish and there you were. I just started my Paleo journey about a week ago and surprisingly I’m not hanging out and drooling in the bakery section of my local Publix. No IBS or anything like that for me — just allergies, fork to mouth disease and an occasional bout of “oh my God I’ve that looks so good I’ve just got to eat it NOW!” Truth be told I’m a 57 year old mother of a very active 15 year old boy (young man) who loves his mom so much he wants to take her hang gliding, parasailing, zip lining and anything else he thinks will scare the bajeebas out of me! I’m lugging around 60 extra pounds I don’t consider a friend and want to drop like a bad habit so I can do at least some of those things with him without worrying if I’m over the weight limit. I’m glad I found your recipe section and can’t wait to dive into them and get inspired to make some of my own. Thanks for all the great info.
Hi Sheri, welcome! I’m so glad you reached out to let me know you’re enjoying the site so far. Best of luck in your cooking adventures, Paleo cooking can be surprisingly rewarding 🙂 Take care!
Hi Michele,
I’m so happy to have stumbled upon your blog! I am currently training for my first full marathon. It’s in Colorado with a bunch of elevation change so I’m a little nervous but very excited! I’ve been paleo dieting loosely for about a year now and I love it. Currently in the middle of my second Whole30 cleanse. I was searching for a paleo ginger muffin recipe as a good post-run snack to reduce inflammation and was brought to your site. So happy to have found it! If you have any tips for a first time marathon runner trying to follow the paleo diet, send them on over 🙂
Happy eating!
I am so excited that I found your blog! I have recently been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and need to change my diet to be gluten free and dairy free. Both are things that I have always loved to eat. Your recipes look so practical for a mom of 4 and delicious! We tried our first one tonight, Chorizo sweet potato chili… it is THE BEST chili I have vet had!! Thank you!
Welcome, and I’m so glad you liked the chili! Hope you try a few more and enjoy 🙂
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Hi, Michele! I found you through Whole 30 Recipes on IG and I LOVE your recipes. The Salsbury Steak Meatballs and Chicken Chili are now a staple in our home (I made them both twice in two weeks)! The fact that you love comfort food is what makes me adore your recipes and blog. We just finished up our 3rd W30 and I’m now dipping into your dessert recipes! ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THOSE?! They make me want to lick my phone screen and I now talk about your recipes incessantly and share links. Thanks for doing what you do! You make the W30/Paleo life so much more enjoyable!
Hi! Glad you’re enjoying a few of the Whole30 recipes! They’re my dinner staples, while the treats are just lots of fun 🙂 Hope you try some of those too and enjoy. And YESSS to comfort food!
OMG! Michele, you are a Paleo Goddess! I love baking first, cooking second. I started crossfit during the summer, which I had to follow a paleo diet. I first found your Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream recipe, that I made into popsicles. I loved them and they passed the husband test. I made them a few more times, then while searching for some other recipe your page came up. I don’t remember what I made, but I loved enough to search more on your site. Everything I’ve made has been delicious! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Any thoughts on a recipe book in the near future?
Hey! Thank you! So happy you’re enjoying the recipes! No recipe book yet, I hope to do one in the near-ish future though. Thanks for reaching out – it’s great to hear the blog makes a difference for people 🙂
I love this blog! I just started to dabble w Whole 30 and Paleo recipes and cant believe how much I’ve enjoyed it – my family too. I love to cook and feel like I’ve always offered my family healthy options. Once I stared to really understand Paleo and Whole30 I realized that while we were eating well, there were certainly aspects that could be altered. Your blog has offered so many incredible options!!! Thank you!!! And you are so beautiful too and have a lovely family !
I’ve recently come across your biog through Pinterest and I love it! Thank you so much for the time and energy to you put into sharing your talents with the world! It is greatly appreciated 🙂
I’m half-way through my first Whole30 and loved following your instagram takeover. I’m starting to think about how I want to approach my regular eating habits post challenge and am so far loving the idea of starting off at least 2/3 paleo. I love your website, recipes, and blogging so much and look forward to using it as a resource to transforming my food freedom! Thanks so much for sharing your passion and taking the time,energy, and effort to make this all available to the world!
I have flipped and flopped with my diet for many many many years and can’t seem to find one that works for me. I’m doing a running challenge this year with some family members, I have weight loss goals and to be more healthy. I have eyed your Blog now for a while and would love to try some of your recipes so this week I’m making my food menu using your recipes and will post them on my personal blog to share with others. I’m ready for a change and need to do this for me. I know a few others who have done the Whole30 and Paleo and loved them both. My biggest and hardest part will be the sugar, I have a huge sweet tooth but what I’m doing is not working and it’s time to change. I’m hoping with cleaning up my diet and running more regularly I will start to feel much better. I’m very excited to look through your blog and check out your recipes. Thank you for sharing your story with all us!
Sugar is a tough one! If you’re really looking to kick the sugar habit, Whole30 really, really helps. There’s no added sugar of any kind (natural sugar in foods is fine) and by the end your tastes really change. Good luck to you, and hope you enjoy a few recipes on the site!
I so feel for Chantelle, I too, have issues with sugar, This month I have tried the Whole30, I got to half way and this weekend I failed. I have to start all over from day 1. I will say, it works!!! You don’t notice it working until you fumble, my joints hurt again, I have terrible heart burn again, bloating, and discouragement again. I am afraid to check the scales. I have many health issues because of my eating habits. I am looking forward in trying your rec. I have grabbed some rec. on pinterest, but not enough to sustain me. I have gotten board of my breakfast choices. My goal is to finish the Whole30 and bring in food groups to find out what bothers me. Then bring in the Paleo diet. I am so looking forward in trying your recipes. You seem to have many choices. Thank you Michele for sharing, I am looking for the new me. You can’t change without the change and it has to begin somewhere. I think I have found it. Pray and good real food is my answer. Looking forward to your post.
Hope you enjoy the recipes and good luck!
Hello, I’m glad to be part of your tribe… I am on Whole30 and it looks like you have some recipes I can use. Congrats, on a successful blog. I am glad there are people like yourself who can help people like me… lost and needing direction.
I look forward to hearing from you.
p.s. You have a nice looking family.
Hope you enjoy many of the recipes! Welcome!
ever think about a cookbook? The onlines recipes are great- but a hard copy would be so convenient for the kitchen!
Just stumbled on your blog the other day and I wanted to say thank you(!!!) for getting my husband and I through the last week of our Whole30 with some seriously great meals. Can’t wait to try more of your recipes. They are speaking to my foodie heart for sure. And your food photography is absolutely gorgeous!
From one momma of littles to another… thank you! 🙂
So glad to have found your blog. My MD has me on an anti-inflammatory paleo food plan with no grains or seeds, dairy free, gluten free, and soy free. Help!!!! I am having trouble finding breakfast or dessert ideas and I am not sure where to turn. I need to go through your recipes and see what I can find, I know I will need so more ingredients that I do not have on hand. I have been eating gluten and dairy free for 3 years but I am in chronic pain and I want to make this work.
any suggestions you might have are greatly appreciated!!!!!!
Thank you in advance!
Where can I buy your cookbook?!!!
Seriously! You need to publish a cookbook! I just spent a whole entire afternoon Pinning your recipes and now I’m thinking I should have just designated a WHOLE board to “The Paleo Running Momma”! LOL Really, you had me at “Hearty Paleo Banana Bread”! I was innocently googling for a 5-star Paleo banana bread (after numurous fails) and stumbled upon your recipe! It was love at first bite! My search for that holy grail of banana breads was over!!! So, of course after such success, I had to come here and see what other awesome recipes you might have up your sleeve!
I feel like I have stumbled upon a gold mine! I’ve been following a modified paleo diet for years (way before it was a “thing”!)! After I was diagnosed with food allergies, I began changing my diet but it wasn’t until my son became sick and was too diagnosed with food allergies that I really became serious about what we ate! He was only 9 at the time and it was so hard to watch birthdays, holidays, school parties, family events, etc pass by without him partaking in the food festivities. It broke my heart to send him to parties with my sad homemade substitute. 🙁 I made it my mission to find recipes that would not only be healthy but could easily pass for the “real deal”! Yes, health was the first and foremost priority, but the social isolation we felt then was something I knew needing fixing as well!
Needless to say, I am ever grateful to all the bloggers, such as yourself who have dedicated the time, energy and ingredients to make my mission possible! Thank you!!! Now, I’m happy to report that both my son (who is now 16 with the insatiable teenage appetite) and I are healthy, happy and never deprived! I can’t thank you enough too for the “family” serving sizes. I get tired to having to double recipes. Maybe it’s just me, but it often sems that the “paleo” recipes/lifestyle caters to the single folks. :p It’s good to meet another family doing this together! 🙂
Now…for that cookbook! 😉
btw: if you ever need a taste-tester… 😉
Oh I would love to do a cookbook! Thanks for all your positive feedback – it truly means SO much to me to hear from readers who make my recipes and find them to be helpful! And YES to those family portions too!
So I officially start my Paleo journey next week! i’m meal planning and almost everything I have is from you! I, too have some sort of IBS and struggle with digestion so I love reading about some good old fashioned success! I’m the only one in my house doing paleo so I think I’ll be halving or quartering a lot of those recipes! Any suggestions on dos or don’ts as I start this???
Your recipes are AMAZING!!! Truly it has made going paleo so easy and my son LOVES the food! Thank you for sharing.
So happy you’re enjoying them! Yay!
I agree with a previous comment! When you publish your cookbook, I would definitely buy it! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s after my first son was born. Slowly getting to grain free and sugar free, but in the world we live in it can be so tough. I am loving the arsenal you have given me with your recipes so far! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🙂
I have been following your site from Pinterest. I am sure you get plenty of emails about your site. I have tried several of your recipes and they are delicious. I have been on a Paleo lifestyle since December of last year due to health issues and our family struggles with being consistent with healthy eating habits. I try to find tasty recipes to encourage them to continue eating healthy. Your recipes have been delightful and have had a positive impact upon my cooking. Thanks for sharing your recipes and tips.
I have one question: I am having problems viewing your site due to all the ads. Is there another way to view your recipes without all the ads popping up on the screen. It takes a while to download the page and get to the actual printable recipe. Any advice would be helpful as I have expressed I love your recipes.
Thanks so much for your time,
Hi! Glad you’re enjoying the recipes. For an ad-free recipe you can click the print button within the recipe box and an ad-free page will pop up. Hope this helps!
Hi Michele, I am Micaela, started Paleo just one month ago and writing from Italy! Thank you for your inspirational blog and receipe and glad to found you!!
Greetings from Italy !
Hi! So happy to hear you’re enjoying everything and thanks for letting me know!
Hi Michele,
Kinda stumbled on to your website and recipes and love what you offer. Three weeks in to Paleo after my second bout with cancer (both caught very early and no chemo or radiation needed). Like you, I thought it was time to eat healthier and say goodbye to my 4x/day Diet Coke ‘addiction’. Feeling so much better!
Thanks for posting and please keep it up!
Really cool. My background is in social work too but I am also now at home with my babies.
Ok, I am new to all of the Paleo Whole 30 and Fodwad(?)! I will Google them as I really need help getting my life back to enjoyable and I know starting with my eating habits is the best place!
I am working my way through a major bout of depression and ptsd as I became the victim of elder abuse by my son, I was 70 at the time. I was doing great until then! Years ago I was diagnosed diabetic and hyper tension, runs in the family, I lost my Mother and Younger Brother both mush too young. I have worked hard to bring my numbers down, I do not want to start sliding backward because of the mental health issues!
I will look up the alternative ways of eating tonight, after my computer cools down. I live in SoCal. How do I find your inspirations and recipes. I still love to cook!!raf
I honestly think finding you on Facebook and now your blog has been an answer to prayer. I suffer from leaky gut and an ulcer that loves to pop up and tell me it still is there. My doctor has put me on the Whole30 diet and I have been so depressed from giving up so much. Now that I have taken Whole30 and after Paleo, into thought, I came across your recipes and cant wait to start baking again.
I am an active mountaineer and runner and understand from reading your story how diet is so important for our activities. Thank you very much for this blog.
I have struggled with IBS since I was a child. They just recently called it IBS-C. I have adapted my diet some but the problem is I travel often to other countries.Do you have any suggestions on how to eat Paleo when eating out?
I too like so many others stumbled on your site. Love your story & recipes. I have been on Gap diet for 7 months, & am now doing grain free, dairy free & gluten free. Hope to get moreover your recipes. What is your Instagram & FB address?
I will be 64 this Halloween.
I an interested in starting paleo and an exercise program.
I know I should, but I just don’t have any energy or maybe I am just lazy.
I live in Texas (HOT summer temps.) and running is out of the question for me.
I tried walking but by the time I walked about a half of a mile, I was about to sweat down into a puddle on the sidewalk.
I have arthritis in my knees and feet. Any exercise suggestions?
Also, by the time I get off work and make it home, I don’t feel like cooking and cleaning the kitchen (guess I AM Lazy).
Any quick paleo meal Ideas that I can fix for a Husband that is a Beef and Potatoe man?
Thank You.
I’m a long distance/ultra running that is trying to recover from leaky gut and/or celiac (not sure which if not both) and I have used so many of your recipes already! Thank you for the time you spend sharing your talents!
I’m so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the recipes! Best of health to you and happy cooking!
Just discovered your blog via googling for Pumpkin French Toast. We have a lot in common “digestively” so I’m happy to have found you! I love your “voice!”
Thank you so much for sharing your information and recipes!!!
I love your posts!
Happy to hear that!
I stumbled upon your recipes as I was doing Whole 30 for the first time this summer. They are so yummy! I never really cared as to whether a recipe had nutritional information until this September when my son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Thank you so much for taking the time to calculate nutritional information! It has been such a blessing to know he is eating balanced meals, with the carbs already counted for me! I find myself coming back to your site again and again!
I’m so happy to hear this is helpful for you! And really glad you’re enjoying the recipes 🙂 Best to you and your son!
Hello Michele!
I have a question for you. Can you explain to me what Whole 30 is and how it works? My husband and I were doing the Keto Diet awhile ago, we liked it, but we were restricted on the fruits we enjoy eating. I lots about 15 pounds in 3 months time, but I chose to stop Keto and eat breads and fruits again, because I do women sprint triathlons and I was having problems with my legs cramping up all the time. Now, I’d like to try the Paleo Lifestyle and stick with it!
Thanks for your blog and recipes.
What is your blood type (O, A, B, or AB) ?
I follow Paleo, but also blood type eating habits for my blood type, O, which is consistent with Paleo.
Am just curious – have you heard of blood type eating ? If so, what do you think ?
Do you have any cookbooksout?
Thank you Karen
Please compile a cookbook of your amazing recipes!!!!
OMG! You are so beautiful! I just LOVE your hair. I know it’s maybe a little off track commeting on that on a food blog, but you really are stunning and such an inspiration 🙂 Br. Denice
By far, you have the THE best paleo recipes and links on the entire internet. I’ve never had a recipe of yours go wrong.
So what I understand people on Paleo don’t eat white potatoes or meats high in fats like ground beef or bacon but I see they are part of your recipes. I’m just starting so I’m curious to hear your thinking on this an the reason you haven’t eliminated them from your diet.
I’ve been coming to your blog more and more recently and I just read your story, relating SO MUCH. I’ve been T1 diabetic most of my life and have/had ulcerative colitis and IBS since I was 15 (I say had, because I’ve had my colon removed: a possibly avoidable surgery had I known how to eat back then). Nonetheless, the IBS symptoms persist and have gotten progressively worse as well as blood sugar control. Two years ago I did the Whole 30 (whole 45 for me) but I just couldn’t sustain it long term because I’m addicted to sweets! Once I found your IG, I started feeling like there might be hope for getting back to feeling good. I made several of your recipes over the Christmas break and my husband LIKED the food and didn’t realize we were eating whole 30 or paleo compliant food! Thank you for your passion for making yummy recipes that are healthy and easy to make, and help me eat well without feeling deprived!
please subscribe me to your online recipes!
I enjoy your recipes. I have been Paleo for 2 years following a diagnosis of Hashimotos. I continue to struggle, and never experience a great day, rather I would describe my health as feeling just ok a good day. I follow and save your recipes. I am always satisfied with the recipes, and never feel deprived. Thank you!
You are my go to “I know it will be good” for all Paelo recipes. I love your recip[es so much and have made so many of them for my family and they love them as well. You are just the bomb! thank you for sharing your goodness with us!!!
I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying everything!
Hi Michele,
I am new to Paleo and new to your website- which is the best thing since sliced bread in my opinion, but I keep hearing ‘Whole 30’ and I feel I should know what it is but I don’t. Can you please tell me?
Hi – glad you’re enjoying everything! Whole30 is a 30 day elimination diet that resembles a very strict paleo diet. I recommend visiting their website (whole30.com) to read more about it!
Hi michele,
I have been paleo from 2016 and it was the best decision I ever made! For health reasons I was able to heal my body (I have an auto immune disease) and I feel great! Everytime I would find a new paleo recipe it always seemed to be one of yours! Thanks for all the great recipes! They’re delicious!
Thank you for this website! My family has all been struggling one way or another with tummy/gut issues. We decided to go “half-hog” into Paleo and have found it creeping into more and more of our diet. We had already done a sugar elimination, but are a sweets loving family. Paleo muffins (which is all we have tried) allow us that sweet without the harsh side effects that refined sugar brought on. My eldest had even rediscovered a love of spicy foods, something he was in love with as a toddler but stopped when our diet became more processed. Your recipes are quick and easy which is great since we are always on the go. Thank you!
Thank you for all the fabulous paleo and whole30 recipes. I have been allergic to dairy, wheat and soy since 1980, before food allergies were commonly diagnosed. It was so difficult to find good things I could eat. I love your recipes!!! I would love a paleo almond macaroon recipe. Crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. 🙂
Hi Michelle and thank you for taking the time to blog recipes. I’m a 60 year old ex long distance runner. I do miss it. I have long work days and a 6 hour commute.
I’ve done whole 30 and am currently on day 4 rd. 2. So I could use help in the meal prep area. Louise
So happy I discovered you on Pinterest while searching for Whole30 recipes. Being gluten and dairy intolerant I appreciate the time you took to be the test kitchen to get your recipes right. Thought with my diet restrictions the Whole30 would be a good fit. Have tried several of your recipes and I can say they did not disappoint. Thanks again for all your work in the kitchen!
Hi Michelle, love your recipes. Do you have a blog post at all discussing what your best kitchen appliances are?
So excited to find your blog!! I am a mom of 2 boys (3 and 9 months). I still have baby weight to lose, and your blog has given me a fresh hope. I’m starting to run, so if you have any tips, I am all ears. 🙂
The cauliflower risotto looks amazing! One thing I miss with eating rice is a good jumbalaya with shrimp and smoked sausage. What do you think about adjusting this a little?
HI Michelle ~ so glad I found you on Instagram. Your recipes are so inspiring! Whole 30 is my way of life so I’m super excited to find yummy recipes. I’m also inspired by your running! I am 56 years old and have been run/walking for over 25 years……I really want to make the switch to all running. Suggestions? Thanks for your amazing energy! xo
Hi Michelle, founding your blog is been a life saver for me, I have always been a healthy eater, and your recipes had become a staple in my house,they are easy, quick, and delicious, thank you so much.
I appreciate your recipes and enthusiasm. I am new to Paleo. I found my way here at 52 by force of a Pre-diabetes sentence. I am athletic and ate pretty well before. I didn’t fit the profile for PD but here I am. I changed my diet to Paleo almost all the way over the last 3 months. Sugar is/was my addiction. I know now. I just made grain free, butter free banana bread that tasted great, but had a lot of sugar in it. Did I need it? I searched for sugar free banana bread and found your site. I also suffer from FODMAP but am using the Monash University App. My last test had me going the other way away from PD. Sorry for going on. My wife does not want to hear about it anymore, so I am kind of on my own on this journey. Oh I just got an instapot too! Thanks. Jon
Love this blog and obsessed with all of these recipes! Please keep them coming! Making my switch over to Paleo even more fun!
Your site was recommended to me in a group. I had been Paleo for a couple of years once before (IBS/dairy allergy management, felt better overall), fell off the wagon for I don’t remember why. Now, I’m back on the wagon again and loving it so far. Your recipes are amazing. Can you tell me if there will ever be a book on the horizon? So many of the Paleo recipes in my recipe app are yours! 🙂
Hi, thrilled you’re enjoying the recipes! I’m currently working on a paleo baking cookbook that will be published March 2020.
I just did a 28 day detox that was paleo as well….went back for blood tests (very detailed blood tests and fin out that I have so many issues, infections, inflammation,all levels are way low…and it appears I am a mess! Been doing WW and lost about 15 lbs in 3 months – but for me that is not good enough and the doctor said no wonder you can’t loose anything – so we did paleo for 28 days strict….but as we go forward looking now for new recipes, tips and tricks for bread, yogurts, snacks etc – all paleo friendly – so hoping I can learn a lot of things from your blog!
Hi! Reading your IBS posts was comforting because I’ve had an incredibly similar experience to yours – lactose intolerance as a young child, IBS throughout high school and college, the constant self-blame and the struggle to eliminate symptoms. I’m excited to read your recipes. But I was also wondering if you would write more about your recovery from the tendinitis you mentioned in your post. I am also a runner and am struggling to find a training plan that will help me get back into running after injury, because I tend to get injured with shin splints when I increase mileage. I’m really interested to know more about how you jumped back in.
I have been doing clean eating for a while and in order to improve my health and weight lose I will give the next level a try. I know it will be hard since I am carb lover. At work may of my co-works are doing Keto, but always for a month or so, I would like to do a lifestyle change overall. What do you recommend. Keto or Paleo?
Michele, I love your blog and recipes. Do you have a cookbook published or thinking of doing one?
Just a quick note to say your recipes are always amazing. A week has not passed in over two years that I haven’t made a recipe or three from your blog. Most of the meals are on rotation. And your baked sweet breads are a weekly food prep. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Thank you for all you do, I just came across Paleo Running Momma and your recipes look amazing.
Just ran across your page as I was researching paleo, seriously considering giving it a try. I have struggled with my weight since about age 8 and have tried almost everything there was out there…had very few lasting victories and have never had sustained, long-term success. Fought a good fight but have never won the war! YET… I’m now 57 and am dealing with joint and blood pressure issues due to the excess weight, I’m sure! I am in recovery from years of serious alcoholism now, almost 18 months!!! I have finally owned the fact that food has always been an addiction for me, even more pervasive than the alcohol was. I am excited to try paleo and see where it leads. Loved your blog…good energy, great visuals, beautiful family! Thank you !!! Go girl!!!
Hi!! Awesome blog, I love to see people having success with changing their diet. My fiance and I eat paleo, and just discovered the Fodmap diet. One thing we haven’t given up is hard cheese, like sharp cheddar and goat cheese. Is that something that would make a big difference, do you think? I do still have a little bit of IBS and digestive problems.
Hello Michelle,
I came across your blog and wanted to say it’s cool that you’re carrying the rich of Paleo and alternative diets.
I first went paleo in 2013 and have been on-and -off for the past nine years. In that time I’ve figured out how to make a mean batch of almond flour pancakes (puts the Jack in flapjack, right?)
In any case, keep sharing your knowledge of paleo with the world and encouraging others to eat healthily.
I just wanted to say I really enjoy your recipes. They are real, tasty and blend into every day life eating! I always look forward to your recipes in your emails you send out. Thank you so much for devoting your life to creating new recipes for paleo eaters!
Thank you for such amazing recipes! My question is: can I make this, or any bread recipe without tapioca starch or arrowroot ? It is still too much sugar for me.I am on a candida cleanse diet and cannot have starch of any kind.
I am so glad I stumbled across your blog while looking for a grain free banana bread. I changed my diet to about 90% grain free a year ago and the results both in losing weight and feeling better have been amazing for this previous carb addict lol
Thanks for being so real about your recipes and not preaching about being 100% all the time.
PS the banana bread was awesome!
I have been following your blog for a couple years now and my family and I LOVE your recipes. One of our family favorites is your BBQ chicken Pizza Recipe! The BBQ sauce is delish!!!! For Christmas I made your “Corbread” stuffing and your paleo pumpkin Pie and they were both hits! First year we did not have any left overs lol. How can I get a copy of your cook book?
Thanks so much for your recipes. I ran my first Chicago marathon this past year. After, my husband and I decided to try whole 30 to help my aches and his potential rheumatoid improve. I love following a fellow runner so I can relate.
Hi, Michelle
I too started off just gluten-free eating, but soon also realized that other grains and carbs weren’t for me, I also have to eat low-fodmap sometimes, too. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you why I went lower-carb, and grain-free… though I sometimes will eat rice, just a lesser portion, or if I make gluten-free cookies for everyone of my family, though they still eat gluten, it is less stressful than worrying about what they’re eating, but I really wish they would get with the program, they might be able to sleep better, not fall asleep while watching TV because of high carb overload nor be in such pain… which is why I limit my carbs, less pain, and I feel more capable of running marathons compared to when I eat higher carb foods. Also, I can focus. Maybe if I was the dinner cooker in this house, they wouldn’t mind eating paleo and would see how easy paleo meals are thrown together, and how much better they feel. However, my eldest brother is kinda allergic to nuts, he gets migraines, but he also gets them from wheat… which should tell him that he’s allergic to wheat as well… yet he avoids eating nuts… (figure that one out)
I truly think everyone would benefit from a lower-carb diet, but nobody wants to listen, so I’ve kinda grown to accept it, yet, I want them to experience the same.
Just want to say good on you! I enjoy visiting your site for ideas. I also have 3 children and run. I home school my kids and one of them just loves to work in the kitchen so I like to visit your site and look up recipes he can do. Thank you for all your work in the kitchen it’s a real life saver to some of us who just don’t know where to start.
Hi Michelle, I have been doing my own research on the paleo which i started but I am a bit confused. some cite says to avoid starch and legumes completely but some use potatoes in the recipes. what are your thoughts on this?
I have no real diet concerns and have, for all of my cooking years, made casseroles. With cream of mushroom soup. Or other french inspired cream sauce based recipes. Think Julia Child. I’m retired, in my late 60s so you understand why I cook this way. However my daughter, who is much more cognizant than I am, introduced me to your site. These are wonderfully delicious, easy to prepare, recipes!
Your site is the first place we go to find recipes when we are looking for something healthy and yummy! Your recipes do not disappoint!! Thank you for putting them out there for the rest of us!!
HI Michelle,
Based in Belgium and I just came across your blog. I am avid Paleo eater, already for years but work constraints, time management etc make it difficult sometimes. Now with the lockdown, I am rediscovering it all. Love your blog! Thank you for all the great recipes and ideas and inspiration.
I have been making your recipes for years and they have been so helpful for when I’m on the Whole30! I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia for a long time and like you, I found that diet makes a huge difference! And I started a blog a few years ago to hopefully help people find alternative ways to help with their own pain. I hate prescription medication so I’m always trying new things. I’m currently doing 75 Hard because I’ve let myself slip with exercise over the years and it’s time to get back in shape! Diet can’t do it all haha.
Thanks again! You are awesome! I just
made your taco sliders the other night and everyone loved them.
Hello Michele!
Thank you so much for your blog and your delicious recipes! My family and I are obsessed with your double chocolate zucchini bread. I used it as my son’s Birthday cake, and I have some loaves in the oven as I write this, for the special Moms in my life for Mother’s Day tomorrow. Thanks again! You are amazingly gifted.
Hi Michele!
I am trying to eat healthier since health problems run in my family. I am also trying my hand at regular running, which has been good but challenging so far (I live in Panama City and it’s HOT). Thanks for your blog and I’m excited to explore more recipes!
I cannot thank you enough. I have been paleo for around 3 years—well, about 90% paleo if you average it out ;). Your site is a quarantine essential. I have been testing out your delicious recipes for about 2 years now. You are so inspiring in my journey to pursue grad school to become an RD. Food is medicine. Healing foods can taste even BETTER than those that are not. Fat (on paleo) is not the devil. I can see myself directing clients to you in the future 🙂
Dear PRM, You have the best recipes! I mean the best commentary, instructions and final product. Nothing has flopped so far 🙂 Whenever I want to cook something new I look to you. Just wanted to say I am grateful and appreciate you and your blog.
I just want to say thank you for starting this blog/pinterest/book/etc. I’ve “yo-yo’d” with GF/DF/LOWFODMAP/Whole30/keto/paleo since 2006. I have multiple health issues, IBS, SIBO, CANDIDA, hormone imbalance just to name a few. Your recipes have made it so much easier to navigate healthier eating for my body, as well as my husband and 3 yr old! There are so many tasty recipes that work for what my doctors and I found I need to help my body.
Hi Michelle!
I have followed you for years and have learned so much about foods from your blog specifically.
I grew up eating basically all processed foods and quick comfort food meals. When I moved out on my on at 19 I began learning about cooking and was intrigued by “healthy foods”. I house cleaned for a Jewish women who was an incredible cook and taught me so much about real foods. Around that time I was trying to avoid dairy simply to clear up my skin. While doing research on dairy free foods I came across your blog (I think on Instagram). I am not Paleo and was not at the time but I loved mixing in your recipes throughout the week for dinners along with my husband and I’s normal habits. Ps. I am going somewhere with all of this…
All that being said, about 3 years ago I was having GI discomforts on the regular similar to your story and completely went off gluten. Like you, I kind of thought that was all that needed to be done on my part with foods.
After about a year on a strict GF diet I was diagnosed with IBS and am still un-covering issues like Sibo and Leaky gut with my doctor.
I have strictly been on a low FODMAP diet for the last 2 year, and although it helped tremendously at first I am back to my old symptoms despite continuing on the Low-FODMAP diet- ONLY! Otherwise it’s bad news.
I often use your recipes and alter them to be low-FODMAP. Your cheeseburger soup for example is a staple in my home but I make it with Garlic infused olive oil, green onions and low FODMAP chicken broth.
Okay, that was all probably TMI but
what I am getting at is how did you get to a point where you could eat brussel sprouts, garlic, onions, apples and honey and not have IBS symptoms on the regular?
I am inspired by your story and want to use foods to heal my gut and eat Whole Foods but so many Whole Foods cause issues like you have discussed in your story.
Warm regards,
Hi Michelle, I have been following you for over three years, I love your recipes!! Thank you!
I just baked your grain free banana loaf n it came amazingly deliscious. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Michelle! I am also a runner. Sometimes I will have digestive issues in the middle of a run, so I am trying Whole30 to see if that helps. During my last few long runs (10+ miles) I run out of steam around 6-8 miles and can’t seem to finish. How did you handle fueling your long runs while on Whole30? Thank you for your input.
I keep seeing your name (blog name) on Paleo sites, so I thought I would come for a visit! Looks excellent, can’t wait to try some of your recipes. Be well.
Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! I`ve come a long way to with IBS……..and I´am so happy to find your recipes 🙂
I love all your recipes! I just made the simple vanilla layer cake and I am wondering if it is safe to freeze it for a day before I frost it? I had to make it ahead of time!
Call you with questions?
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All your recipes look so good! I am on a restricted diet due to having hashimotos and hypothyroidism. I have been very discouraged with this diet. How do you do it? Its so hard to go out to eat and have fun with friends… Especially when your friend wants to cook desserts with you but mine have to be different so I can eat it. And not to mention this time of year and parties at work and clients bringing all kinds of desserts and snacks and pretty much all I can’t have… I occasionally cheat but I know that isn’t the best thing… and friends always saying “I wish you could eat this” or “just try one bite”…
Thanks for any tips.
Does the new book have all the recipes posted on from the website? Your recipes look delicious 😋
Hello…. I have your baking cook book but do you have a cook book for your other amazing recipes aka dinners or salads? Just love your recipes & looking for a Christmas gift for a friend!! Thanks 🥰
Just wanted you to know my doctor suggested I start eating Paleo and I can already tell the difference in how I feel. I LOVE your site and will definitely be purchasing your desserts cookbook in the future. For now, I’m working on getting healthier and your recipes make that so much easier. Every recipe I’ve tried has been delicious! thanks so much for following your “gut!”
PRM, I found you through Instagram. I been flirting with Paleo for the last couple of years and have done a Whole 30 myself. This year I decided to get more serious about changing the way I eat forever. That meant spend a lot more time in the kitchen cooking and eating the foods that nourish my soul as well as my body. I have tried numerous recipes from you and have really loved them all! Thank you for your content, it has really helped me on my own personal health journey.
Hi! I bought your cookbook it is great! I tried the bagels this weekend and they tasted delicious but did not rise. Any recommendations? All ingredients including the instant yeast were brand new… Any recommendations Thanks!
I am happy to find you. My husband has Chrohns and our daughter has Celiac Disease. I too have IBS and diabetes, so we are ALL looking to eat healthier. We are already GF but we are looking for more recipes to increase veggies!
Hi Michelle, I am almost 60 and just finished my nursing program. #30 lbs later I find myself searching again for easy quick Paleo recipes. I’m super excited to try your recipes! My oldest son passed away in Dec. 2020. Since that day we have been raising his daughter who is just turning 2.5years old. Needless to say, I need more energy! I just restarted my CrossFit modified routine 3 days a week along with my walk/run routine. I feel your recipes will be just what this once again Mimi/Mamma needs. Donna, Seminole, FL
I used to receive your recipes by email and enjoyed making them.
For some unknown reason, the emails just stopped, although I did not unsubscribe.
I’ve been attempting to sign up for the again and have emailed you several times, but never received a reply (shame on you) and I am still not receiving your weekly recipes.
Not only did I enjoy them, but friends and family did as well. What happened and would you please correct this issue. Thanks
Why would you type “shame on you” because she didn’t respond quickly enough for you? Are you not getting free recipes? Is all this content free for you? Shame on YOU for demanding more FREE content
My Dr recommended you to check out. I am 66 obese, there I said it and well i am a traditional cook, baking pies etc, meat and potatoes etc. a binge eater and frankly just need to change our eating habits or meals and add exercise. start with 1 and go forward. How do i get started with paleo
Thank you for all you do, I just came across Paleo Running Momma and your recipes look amazing
I have liked this page of yours and your post is good, keep posting like this. Trucksbuses
I don’t eat paleo but your recipes are easy to adapt to my lifestyle:
intermittent fasting.
Hi Michele,
Just have to say, your recipes are amazing. I have been eating Paleo for the last few years. I scroll through your recipes each week for my weekly menu. I have made them for the whole family and everyone loves them. Usually you come across a website where not all the recipes are great. So far, everything i have made from your site is delicious. Any chance you could put a cookbook out there, so I don’t have to go to the computer???Keep recipes coming…huge fan 🙂
Thank you.
Thank you for the recipes. I eat mainly paleo and around 80% of what I cook comes from your site. I am looking for another recipe as I write to you. I am grateful to be able to have access to the work you have done.Good luck with the cookbook.
Thank you for the recipes. I really like it.
When I’m cooking, or cleaning, or generally doing any household chores, I really like to turn on some energetic music or even playlists in my headphones. Now I mostly listen to music from YouTube, but it’s more convenient for me to download music to my phone, so with the help of the free Tubidy service I do it quickly and for free. By the way, it’s cool that this is an online service, you don’t need to install anything..
Hi 👋 I just happened to watch Rachel Ray cooking show and I saw ur banna bread recipe but what i.m most happy about is that I have colitis chron,s ibs like u and I had 5 knee full revision and I get inflammation all the time ,I belive that it was meant for me to 👀 u today and i.m going to try the paleo recipe u look so fabulous and I. M 60 years old and tired of being ill ,thank you for helping us .I wish u the best in life please tell me how I can get started ,it’s extremely expensive buying food ,this days i.m on fix income how can I start ,I didn’t learn to cook or measure because my chron’s since I was 15 years old, I just didn’t eat much u know ,so any advise would be greatly appreciated
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Thank You The best I have seen I had to throw all the old kitchen staples away slowly stocking.
I’m so happy I stumbled across your blog! My family and I absolutely love all of your recipes! Your passion for creating definitely shines through! Keep up the good work! God bless! 🙂
Thank you for commenting on “emotional eating!” I’m tired of hearing “When has a cupcake ever made you happy?” Sometimes it actually DOES in my opinion, and I agree that if you’re eating a more healthy treat that nourishes your body you shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about it! I absolutely love your recipes! Thank you for all the hard work you put into sharing them! 💜
Much obliged to you for remarking on “close to home eating!” I’m burnt out on hearing “When has a cupcake fulfilled you?” In some cases it really DOES as I would see it, and that’s what I concur in the event that you’re eating a more sound treat that supports your body you ought not be caused to feel regretful about it! I totally love your recipes! Much thanks to you for all the difficult work you put into sharing them!
Michele, your dedication to health and wellness shines through every word on your blog, Paleo Running Momma. Your journey of transforming your diet for healing and growth, while sharing your experiences, recipes, and insights, is truly inspiring. Your approachable, moderate stance on paleo eating for your family, coupled with your flavorful and wholesome recipes, showcases a balanced and mindful approach. Your personal touch, from childhood memories to achieving culinary successes, adds authenticity and warmth to your content. Your commitment to guiding others towards nourishing, delicious, and comforting paleo meals is a gift to the wellness community.
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I love your recipes!
Tried the white chicken chili recipe. It’s a keeper! Sooo good! Thank you!
The Google gods have made my day.
You are my new lesbian fantasy girl 😡
for baking what brand of almond and coconut flour would you recommend
Thanks for the share an amazing platform…
Love your recipes. I was about to throw in the towel on paleo because the recipes I was finding online were blah and bland. I came across your website and made three of your recipes so far this week and they all were delicious. What is a substitute for arrowroot flour? Would tapioca flour work or king Arthur’s gluten free measure for measure flour with xanthum gum?
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Hi Michelle, first I want to tell you your recipes are amazing! My husband had no idea he was eating Paleo meals for several weeks, until I finally told him. He’s the type if you say it’s healthy or good for you, he won’t try it. Let’s just say your recipes have him thinking differently now. Next, do you have a recipe for coffee creamer? It’s getting harder to find anything in the grocery stores that isn’t oat or nut based. Last but not least, my family doesn’t care for the texture of almond flour. They say it’s mealy. Any suggestions for substitutes or how to smooth it out more? I’ve even bought the super fine milled, but get the same reaction.
Thanks so much for sharing your talents and goodness!
Building a suitable diet for each person is difficult
your work ethic is truly inspiring
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Lotus365 is a premier online cricket betting platform that offers an immersive experience for cricket enthusiasts and bettors alike. With a user-friendly interface and secure payment options, Lotus365 provides a seamless way to indulge in the excitement of cricket betting from the comfort of your home or on the go
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Reddybook stands out as a premier gaming platform, offering an unparalleled experience for sports enthusiasts and bettors alike. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive sports coverage, and competitive odds
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Skyexchange is your premier online platform for a top-notch betting and entertainment experience. With a Skyexchange ID, you can access a variety of options, including sports betting, live betting, thrilling games, and more. The platform is secure, user-friendly, and equipped with advanced security features to safeguard your personal information. Get your unique ID today and dive into the exciting world of betting. Visit us now: https://skyexchange.win/
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Laser247 is a top-notch online gaming platform that offers thrilling sports betting options. With its intuitive interface and secure transactions, Laser247 delivers a hassle-free experience.
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ReddyAnnaBook is a convenient platform for sports betting enthusiasts. Offering secure transactions, live updates, and thrilling features, it ensures a smooth and enjoyable betting experience.
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Laser247 offers an exceptional platform for a premium betting and gaming experience. With a Laser247 ID, you gain access to diverse options, including sports betting, live games, and more. The platform is secure, user-friendly, and features advanced protections to safeguard your personal information. Get your unique ID today and dive into the thrilling world of betting. Visit us now: https://laser-247.org/
Laser247 is your premier online hub for an exceptional betting and gaming experience. By creating a Laser247 login, you gain access to a variety of betting options, including sports betting, live betting, and much more. The platform is designed for ease of use, offering a secure environment with advanced security features to safeguard your personal data. Sign up for your unique Laser247 ID today and start your thrilling betting adventure. Explore now: https://laser247co.in/
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Cricbet99 is a top-notch online gaming platform designed specifically for cricket fans! It provides a smooth and immersive experience with a range of features tailored to those who enjoy staying connected to their favorite sport. The Cricbet99 login process is straightforward and easy to use, making it perfect for both newcomers and seasoned players.
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Reddy Anna Book is a user-friendly platform tailored for sports betting enthusiasts. It provides secure transactions, real-time updates, and interactive features to ensure a seamless and enjoyable betting experience.
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Lotus 365 provides an outstanding gaming experience with smooth navigation and thrilling features. The Lotus365 App is the perfect platform for online gaming enthusiasts seeking a trustworthy and captivating option!
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Kheloyar is rapidly emerging as one of the top online gaming platforms, providing an engaging and user-friendly experience for gaming enthusiasts. If you haven’t explored it yet, the Kheloyar login process is straightforward and convenient, making it easy to get started.
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Winbuzz is an amazing online gaming platform that has transformed my gaming experience! The Winbuzz app is intuitive, offers a diverse selection of thrilling games, and provides seamless, glitch-free gameplay. Whether you’re into casual gaming or competitive matches, Winbuzz has something for everyone. I highly recommend downloading the app and joining this vibrant gaming community!
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Reddy Anna Book is a go-to platform for gambling enthusiasts, offering insights into casino games, sports betting, and the latest trends in the gaming industry. Whether you’re into strategic betting or just exploring the world of online gaming, this book provides valuable information to enhance your experience. Reddy Anna Book
11xplay is a betting games platform, and also sports betting, and online best betting platform. It explains the nuances of different betting markets, helping users make data-driven decisions when placing wagers. From understanding betting odds to implementing advanced strategies, this book equips readers with the tools needed to maximize their chances of winning.
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Betbhai9 Betbhai9 is an online betting platform that caters to sports enthusiasts in India, offering a variety of betting options across sports such as cricket, football, tennis, and more. The platform provides features like live betting, allowing users to place bets in real-time as matches unfold, enhancing the excitement of the betting experience.
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